四川德鑫航空设备股份有限公司位于与风景秀丽的峨眉山毗邻、全国机械产业百强县之一的青神县。公司于2016年正式挂牌新三板,成为行业新三板第一股,股票代码835638。公司属于国家工信部认定的“专精特新小巨人”企业,现已通过国际质量管理体系认证、环境管理体系认证、职业健康安全管理体系认证、安全生产标准化认证;并荣获国家高新技术企业、省级企业技术中心、市级工程技术研究中心、守合同重信用企业、省质量信誉双优企业、立信单位等资质荣誉。目前,公司获得发明专利、实用新型专利及外观专利共计60余项。 公司主要产品包括:航空集装箱板、值机输送机、机场新能源电动牵引车、散货拖车、集装箱板拖车、机场安检空框回流系统、机场行李自动分拣输送系统、双滑槽、升降平台等专业机场、航空设备;以及皮带伸缩机、摆轮智能分拣机、旋臂式智能分拣机、交叉带式智能分拣机、转弯输送机、爬坡输送机、直线输送机、滚筒输送机、多层输送机、翻板机、物流分拣输送系统等专业快递物流分拣输送设备。 目前,公司已与北京首都国际机场、北京大兴国际机场、上海浦东国际机场、上海虹桥国际机场、天津滨海国际机场、广州白云国际机场、深圳宝安国际机场、重庆江北国际机场、成都双流国际机场、哈尔滨太平国际机场、西部机场集团;中国国际航空、南方航空、东方航空、四川航空、西藏航空;顺丰快递、圆通快递、韵达快递、中通快递等机场、航空、物流企业建立良好合作关系。 我们的经营理念:一定做到以领先技术为客户提供高质量产品,一定做到以高度责任心为客户提供高水平服务。 我们的产品方针:以客户为中心、引领行业标准。
Sichuan Dexin Aviation Equipment Co.,Ltd. is located in Qingshen county, Sichuan province, where is nearby the famous Emei mountain, which is one of the national industrial counties. In 2016, Dexin officially listed on the new OTC market, became the first stock in the industry, stock code is 835638. Dexin has been awarded many certifications and honors, such as ‘The international quality management system certification ISO9001,’ ‘The certificate of national high-tech enterprises’, ‘The municipal engineering technology research center’, ‘The provincial high quality and reputation enterprise’, ’65 pieces of patents’ etc. Moreover, Dexin has attached great importance to R&D and product innovation in order to produce more advanced equipments that can improve customers’ productivity. Our company is an integrated high-tech enterprise which includes the research and development, production and sales of sorting and conveying equipments for airport and logistics industry. Airport equipments include Airport electric baggage tractor, Air cargo container and pallet, Airport security basket cycling system, Luggage sorting and conveying equipment, Check-in conveyor, Lift platform, Trailer, Double chute. And logistics equipments include Telescopic belt conveyors, Drawer model conveyor, Cantilever parcel sorting machine, Dropping parcel sorting machine, Sliding shoe parcel sorting machine, Cross belt parcel sorting machine, Curve belt conveyor , Slope conveyor, Straight line conveyor, Roller conveyor, Multilayer conveyer, Logistics sorting system, Reversal plate, electric forklift, Electric tractor etc. We have remained long term relationships with airlines, airports and express parcel carriers and businesses with distribution centers or warehouse facilities. Our satisfied customers include China southern airlines, Air China, China eastern airlines, Tian jin airport, Guangzhou airport, Chongqing airport, Harbin airport, Yunda express, Yuantong express , Guotong express and kua-yue express etc.